Lori Koppelman is an amazing coach. She has inspired me to be healthier, not just for my family, but to feel better about myself. She believes in baby steps, and encourages change through small, attainable goals. Lori does a wonderful job listening, letting you get all of your feelings out, and then helping separate emotions from facts, which is essential in any situation. Lori is an incredibly positive person who inspires me to be better in all aspects of my life, in a very encouraging manner... and all the while finding humor and laughing along the way.
Shelley Van Der Meide, Creative Manager, Help/Systems
My experience with Lori Koppelman was four hours of liberation. Highlights:
Pam, St. Paul, MN
I called Lori for help with wardrobe and closet issues because I realized that I was dreading putting my clean clothes away because I didn't have room, and the spots that I had chosen for various clothes were hard to keep neat. I was about to switch out the season and knew that I needed a re-organization as well as clearing. Lori was really great at looking at the space and seeing some of the reasons why it wasn't working. Lori is positive and brings energy to dig in when it seemed a bit overwhelming. She is kind, while also sharing her opinion by asking leading questions to help me decide what to keep and what to donate. Lori kept the process focused and it went so much faster than I imagined it would. I filled 12 grocery bags with clothes to donate and it is a month later and I haven't missed a thing. Having space has helped me to put my clothes away every night, so maintenance of the new system has been easier.
Heidi, Golden Valley, MN
Lori helped me immensely with my move to a smaller home. She completely looked over existing furniture and artwork and was able to place items appropriately throughout the new house. Lori was very respectable about my feelings with sentimental pieces of furniture and artwork. The atmosphere of each and every room is comfortable, visually appealing and truly feels like “my” home. I could have not done this without her guidance and professional planning.
Lynea, Golden Valley, MN
Lori has helped me with space challenges in my house. She is skilled in navigating through complicated scenarios to get to the root of a problem and then lead towards a positive resolution. She asks great questions and stays objective. She is creative with ideas and has a positive and encouraging influence.
Anna, Oak Grove, MN
Over the past 10+ years, I have consulted with Lori on a variety of subjects. The main topic that has stuck with me is her concept of "making room for the good stuff." Her simple tips and thought-provoking suggestions have helped me get motivated to tackle what seemed like overwhelming projects. And really, they weren't that hard...with her support. I loved her concept of snapshot clutter clearing, and was one of her first clients to try it. It was easy and extremely successful. I love my space now! Thank you, Lori, for being a great coach!!
Renee, Plymouth, MN
Lori, Thank you for your help with our front entry. By using your ideas to move out little used items and restructure the shelving to better use the space we have been able to keep the closet and entry area neat. I even caught my youngest doing a quick pick up. The whole family sees the value in keeping the entry area tidy and welcoming. And it's MUCH easier to do after your consultation.
Trish St. Michael, MN
Shelley Van Der Meide, Creative Manager, Help/Systems
My experience with Lori Koppelman was four hours of liberation. Highlights:
- I gave away 7 bags of clothing to Goodwill. I feel lighter already!
- I have two succinct wardrobes: clothes for warm and cold weather seasons that can be easily packed for travels.
- I now own only clothes I feel good in.
- I get ready quickly in the morning because I have fewer, and easier, choices.
- I appreciate the pieces I kept - everything works together.
- I have a stronger sense of my style. Lori helped me to see that I do have a 'look': the colors, styles, silhouettes, fabrics that look best on me.
- Lori gave me respectful yet firm feedback as to what looked good on me and what didn't. This helped immensely in my decision-making process of what to keep and what to let go.
- Lori made the experience feel like a beautiful Spring Cleaning ritual. From time to time she'd stop to make me look at and feel the process of letting go. I felt such clarity as we progressed and I could see what I really needed versus what was simply filler.
- Lori helped me to see how my sentimental attachments to objects kept me from acting on what I really wanted.
- I will refer clients to her who want support with organizing anything from their wardrobes to their office space, clearing their clutter, and wanting to receive the emotional support that goes with that process. Lori's clarity, focus, sense of humor, wisdom, and expertise were a joy to experience.
Pam, St. Paul, MN
I called Lori for help with wardrobe and closet issues because I realized that I was dreading putting my clean clothes away because I didn't have room, and the spots that I had chosen for various clothes were hard to keep neat. I was about to switch out the season and knew that I needed a re-organization as well as clearing. Lori was really great at looking at the space and seeing some of the reasons why it wasn't working. Lori is positive and brings energy to dig in when it seemed a bit overwhelming. She is kind, while also sharing her opinion by asking leading questions to help me decide what to keep and what to donate. Lori kept the process focused and it went so much faster than I imagined it would. I filled 12 grocery bags with clothes to donate and it is a month later and I haven't missed a thing. Having space has helped me to put my clothes away every night, so maintenance of the new system has been easier.
Heidi, Golden Valley, MN
Lori helped me immensely with my move to a smaller home. She completely looked over existing furniture and artwork and was able to place items appropriately throughout the new house. Lori was very respectable about my feelings with sentimental pieces of furniture and artwork. The atmosphere of each and every room is comfortable, visually appealing and truly feels like “my” home. I could have not done this without her guidance and professional planning.
Lynea, Golden Valley, MN
Lori has helped me with space challenges in my house. She is skilled in navigating through complicated scenarios to get to the root of a problem and then lead towards a positive resolution. She asks great questions and stays objective. She is creative with ideas and has a positive and encouraging influence.
Anna, Oak Grove, MN
Over the past 10+ years, I have consulted with Lori on a variety of subjects. The main topic that has stuck with me is her concept of "making room for the good stuff." Her simple tips and thought-provoking suggestions have helped me get motivated to tackle what seemed like overwhelming projects. And really, they weren't that hard...with her support. I loved her concept of snapshot clutter clearing, and was one of her first clients to try it. It was easy and extremely successful. I love my space now! Thank you, Lori, for being a great coach!!
Renee, Plymouth, MN
Lori, Thank you for your help with our front entry. By using your ideas to move out little used items and restructure the shelving to better use the space we have been able to keep the closet and entry area neat. I even caught my youngest doing a quick pick up. The whole family sees the value in keeping the entry area tidy and welcoming. And it's MUCH easier to do after your consultation.
Trish St. Michael, MN